100% Pure USA Bayberry Wax Mason Jar Candle
Our 100% pure USA Bayberry wax mason jar candle is all natural, non toxic, sootless and vegan. Our pure bayberry wax is sourced from Oregon. Bayberry was is a rare and precious wax from the wax Myrtle bush located on the coastline. The wax coated berries are harvested and boiled, leaving a film of wax on top of the water that is skimmed and used for candles. The New England Colonists first discovered this aromatic wax but due to difficulty in harvesting and rendering, they only used Bayberry wax candles during winter celebrations such as Christmas and New Years. The New England traditional verse goes, “A Bayberry candle burned to the socket brings food to the larder and gold to the pocket."
Our 100% Pure USA Bayberry wax Mason Jar is the perfect All American eco friendly gift! A wonderful holiday tradition!